05 July 2008

HK Airport

Well folks, that's about it for live updates, I'll start reliving the whole experience by starting to post more pictures along with any memories or stories I have about them.

So please keep looking, those I'm in direct contact with I'll let you know when I've created a new post. Don't worry I won't spam you.

It's been an interesting experience, I've learnt a lot about France, Germany and HK.
I've even learnt that flying with Bea can be interesting and humoourous for me, and mind bogginglly stressfull for Bea. She does not fly at all well.

Bea has been very good in HK she has not shopped, I think she was very afraid to be anywhere without me as she does not speak the language (for once) and had no sense of direction.

I'll possibly blog some more from Singapore, but we only have 2.5 hours there and currently they seem to be cancelling flights of delaying them by the minute.

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